Get a head start on positioning, packaging and promoting your personal brand in a growing online world.
The personal brand is here to stay.
You might wonder — aren’t personal brands something reserved for celebrities or influencers?
Once upon a time, maybe, but now every individual is considered to already have a personal brand. The only difference is, now the entire world has access to it with a simple online search.
Personal branding has evolved over the years from being what Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos referred to as “what people say when you are not in the room” to what people see when they do a search for you on Google.
As entrepreneurs and decision-making executives continue to embrace this growing online space, more and more opportunities to attract your ideal client, generate leads, find the right employees and even potential investors become available to you if you are positioning, packaging and promoting your personal brand using the right channels and content that speaks to the unique problem that you solve.