Content is the Key to Connective Marketing.
Your content should first and foremost be useful to your audience. It should entertain, inform, and intrigue, helping to build a real connection.
Remember that the work doesn’t end when you hit the “post” button, it only just begins.
- The point of your content should be to start a conversation.
- To get more calls,
- to increase website traffic,
- to bring people in the door so they can face-to-face with you or your employees.
It’s all relationship-building. It should also be consistent – there are so many competing factors for our attention, and our attention spans are even shorter than they used to be.
One of the worst things you can do as a coach consultant or small business owner is “radio silence”, even just for a few days.
So, what happens when you know you need to create some content, but you sit there, racking your brain, striving to come up with something you haven’t thought of before while staring at a blank screen?
Writer’s block can hit us all if we let it…but I have good news – there are ways to avoid this entirely!
If you follow this advice, you’ll never again panic when you have to create a video, write an article, blog post, or web page.