But Prosper, I don’t know how to find opportunities…

The Online Prosperity Experience
The Online Prosperity Experience
But Prosper, I don't know how to find opportunities...

Whatever your business model, you’ll always need one very important thing – a steady flow of new clients and customers.

That is really the most important thing for scaling and growing your online business. The more clients you get, the more successful your online business will be.

Without clients, you have no business.

There are a lot of ways to build a business online, but most of them involve one ‘hard-to-get’ thing.


A steady flow of new clients and customers is the key to a successful and profitable online business.

Unfortunately, getting more clients is one of the most stressful and anxiety-inducing struggles every business owner has to go through.

So the first thing that you need to do is to get new clients and customers, you need to attract them to your business.

You need to get them interested in your products and services.

  1. But first, do you know who your ideal client is?
  2. Do you know their desired outcome?
  3. Can your product or service satisfy their needs?

The first step of a successful marketing strategy is identifying who your ideal client is.

Don’t make the mistake of marketing to everyone; it’s one of the most common mistakes coaches, consultants and small business owners make when marketing their products and services.

They don’t realise that – everyone is not their customer.

To have a successful online business, you must target the right people.

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