No pictures of happy, leaping people required.
We all know that how your website looks is a key part of getting prospective clients to contact you. However, the combination of what the eye sees and what you read is critical. Your site can look amazing, but if it’s full of spelling and grammar errors people will form unflattering conclusions about the products and services you offer.
Proofreading your text is essential. Make sure you get other people to read through it as they are far more likely to spot errors that you’ve missed.
In addition to being typo-free, your website copy needs to reflect you and your brand.
The tone of voice and vocabulary should be consistent across all your promotional formats, whether in print or online. Your customers need to feel that their experience with you is seamless, no matter where they are seeing your brand.
Graphics and user interface design can encourage visitors to your site to visit specific pages or draw attention to important pieces of information. What gets them clicking is a clear Call To Action (CTA).
Have your customers’ journey through your website in mind and steer them towards the action you want them to take – like using your contact form or buying online from you.
BTW – Before you respond, I do know that images, infographics and videos can add enormous value when done well, and used in the right circumstances.
And I do know that adding other elements to a text-only page can give you some SEO brownie points. And I do know that multimedia can be a big draw when promoting your pages through social media. I know that stuff.
But even so, I resent having to search far and wide to find a quality writer who has taken the trouble to write a high-quality page.
No pictures of happy, leaping people are required.