It’s my opinion that everyone comes into this world with a unique and valuable skill that allows them to do something incredible that no one else can do in such a way.
When I was just a kid, I always dreamed of being an actor or a famous rapper.
Sure, I loved to rehearse my rhymes and act out my favourite characters, but what was it that made me want to be an actor.
Then, I moved on to other career choices, like being a policeman or even a pilot It was the dream of most young boys to be a hero and save the world.
Now that I’m a month away from turning 39 years old, I discovered that it really wasn’t acting that I wanted or even wearing a uniform to save someone. My childhood desire was more about making a difference in people’s lives than studying scripts for movies.
You see, over the years, I’ve really come to realise that my personal unique and valuable skill is simplifying difficult things and making them clear to others.
In the case of advice to friends, I have a gift of asking powerful questions that simplify their situations and help them come up with a solution much faster.
In business, I am able to teach my clients more about themselves and their needs to show them how to bring more value to the marketplace through what they offer.
For my daughters, it’s taking the moment to listen to what they are really saying and coaching him to find solutions on his own.
My unique and valuable skill is making it simple.
What’s yours?
Have you stopped for a moment to think of one or two things that you do extraordinarily well?
My goal for you is that you search for it. Analyse your life until you find that common denominator.
Once you find your unique and valuable skill, your passion will follow, and you’ll be able to achieve much more than when you’re trying to fill someone else’s shoes.
You’ll also realise that people will completely value you when you focus on it!