Forget Everything That You Think You Know About SEO

The Online Prosperity Experience
The Online Prosperity Experience
Forget Everything That You Think You Know About SEO

“Psst. Hey, kid. Wanna be at the top of the Google rankings? Gimme $1000. I’ll get ya there.”

The Snake Oil SEO “gurus” who sell this type of product intentionally keep one thing from their would-be customers…

If your website is at the top of the Google search pages, but doesn’t provide useful information to your potential customers, it is useless. 

If your potential clients click on your site and don’t get immediately drawn in by your knowledge about your products and the problems they solve, they’ll hit the “back” button quicker than you can say “SEO is dead.”

An SEO services company has to do better than that.

SEO is an important part of marketing your business. If you want people to find your website, you have to ensure that they can find your website when they’re using Google and their other favourite search engines.

However, what you have to realise is that search engine optimisation has changed a lot over the years.

Gone are the days when stuffing your content full of the same keywords over and over was actually a successful method of optimising your site for search engines.

Honestly, SEO is now easier than it has ever been. However, before you can be truly successful at it, you’re going to need to forget everything that you think you know about SEO.

Sticking to the same bogus forms of search engine optimisation is only going to harm your site and isn’t going to allow you to get ahead.

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