Make your marketing work more for you and your business.
The internet has come a long way since it was open to the public about 32 years ago. Now it allows us to look at photos of other people’s food, watch animals do silly things on TikTok, keep up with our friends and family, and order things from the comfort of the sofa.
By changing the way people buy, the internet has changed marketing.
As a result, coaches, consultants and small businesses have had to change the way they market themselves and sell to take advantage of the latest technology and consumers’ shopping habits.
In this episode, we look at:
- How the internet has changed marketing with websites.
- How the internet has changed marketing using advertising
- How the internet has changed marketing using social media
The internet has changed marketing, the way businesses sell, and the way people buy hugely, and it’s still continuing to do so.
Successful coaches, consultants and small businesses will be the ones who keep up with the way that consumers are buying.
It’s interesting to think about how this podcast might sound in another 20 years’ time?
How do you think the internet may change marketing in the future?