Simply commit to creating work that is worth remembering

The Online Prosperity Experience
The Online Prosperity Experience
Simply commit to creating work that is worth remembering

Be ambitious, and plan to create a memorable body of work

We can be so consumed with achieving right now. Instant gratification is the driving ambition of our generation, but how do you create to leave a powerful legacy?

Find your why. Ask yourself the big question, why you are writing? Be honest with yourself and dig deep. If your goal is for immediate success, then give it your everything. You will be able to achieve that goal if you apply yourself, get some mentoring, and keep at it, just don’t give up. Create without the pressure of performance, develop your work and stay true to your vision.

If you are going to leave something that stands the test of time, you will need to have the courage within yourself to disregard the critics. Not everyone will understand what you are trying to achieve. Great artists show us what is possible; they inspire us to become more and reach further with our creativity.

Only you can decide what you want to achieve, know who you are, and give us your honest and authentic self. It’s ok if you are not driven to make money with your writing, create great art, and allow the world to enjoy it, your grandkids just might be glad that you did.

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