The Internet Explorer’s Secret Of The Yellow Cars

The Online Prosperity Experience
The Online Prosperity Experience
The Internet Explorer's Secret Of The Yellow Cars

Grabbing And Keeping Your Audience’s Attention

Today, I want to highlight a very real problem that’s costing Internet Explorers (That’s our new name btw) like you millions, if not billions of dollars. The problem is this: your audience’s available attention capacity isn’t growing; the amount of online content available to them is. It’s growing exponentially!

Not only is the amount of available content growing at a lightning-fast pace, but your audience is also bombarded with other distractions, both on and offline, as well.

So as a coach, consultant or Internet Explorer, your potential audience members, whom you want to become your customers, are getting harder and harder to reach. 

It’s becoming more and more challenging to win their attention and to keep it. And keep it you must, if you are going to convert them.

Think about this: you can win the “attention-getting” battle and drive large amounts of traffic to your site in a number of different ways that are all very useful, including email marketing, social media, SEO/SEM, etc.

But what does it matter how much attention you get initially for your online marketing if you don’t keep it until your reader converts into your buyer?

Today, let’s talk about how you can grab and keep your potential customer’s attention. 

Both are critical to your online marketing success.

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