Video is The Fastest Way to Build Your Personal Brand!
Personal video branding is the latest and greatest new marketing trend online.
People are embracing this movement regardless of whether they are coaches, consultants or small business owners.
The video aspect of online marketing is a crucial piece of your personal branding efforts. It allows you to connect with your audience, and tell them who and what your business is all about, using your own voice and image to share this message.
People like to connect with real people!
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth thousands of views.
Today’s busy “Internet explorers” are much more likely to view a short video than they are to read a page full of text.
The use of video branding is one of the quickest means of introducing a business to the public, especially for new or small businesses that lack a large advertising budget.
Videos can be serious or humorous and should be memorable, but care must be exercised – inaccurate branding can lead viewers to wonder what the business does or what industry it occupies.
Video branding will build brand loyalty, increase your customer relations and retention, reduce advertising costs, qualify sales leads and increase response rates.
Bottom line…videos can bring a lot of traffic to your business!